Stretch Jeans Waist Band Repair

Dec 2, 2022

Don't you just hate when your jeans fall apart in the worst spots?  It can happen, especially after a trip in the washing machine.  With this pair, the chain stitch may have caught on something in the wash and unraveled a good bit, causing the waist band to let go.

Here's a few simple steps to fix this little dilemma and have your jeans looking new again.

There are 2 places that fell apart.  The waist band and where the band connects to the body of the jeans. 

Here is the inside of the waist band where the elastic is.  I have to re-stitch the waistband back together first.

This may look odd, and you may say what part of the jeans is this?  This is the one half of the waistband folded over.  I'll show you more in the next pic. 

I had to put it back together the same way it was made.  I started by pinning this half of the band back to the body. I will stitch this back on first.

It’s very important I use a straight stretch stitch on all the stitches for this repair.

I started to stitch where the original stitching was.  I used an all-purpose polyester thread here.

Now it’s time to fold the waistband over to close everything, pin, and top stitch back into place.

Here’s the outside pinned in place.

This is the inside and you can see my pins from the other side.

Here, I’m topstitching the waistband.  For this part, I’m using a dark navy jeans thread.  I’m still using a straight stretch stitch.

The following pics are the final results of this repair.  The stitches are durable, and these stretchy jeans look new again! 

I hope you enjoyed this simple repair tutorial!  Thank you for stopping by and I’ll see you all next time!


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